ontario speeding to profits

Tuesday, October 30, 2007 ·

globeandmail.com ran a story today on the new speeding law in ontario. a month into this law and over 1,000 people have been charged. i say kudos to this. not because it helps keep excessive speeding at bay - which clearly it doesn't if this many people got caught - but that we might as well capitalize on people's immense capacity for stupidity.

no one really needs to go 150 kph or faster. hell, how is that even possible these days with traffic jams being constant at almost all hours of the day. it must be all the country bumpkins who have open roads with which to burn some rubber.

they want to put the funds toward educational campaigns. i say boo to that. not when ignorance and stupidity can be so profitable. i think getting tagged with a $10,000 fine is education enough. When asked, Fantino wished he set it at 130. I don't agree with it being that low, mostly because i've been known to frequent that speed on an open 404 early on a sunday morning. but 140 seems reasonable and i bet that would almost double that 1,000 they've already nabbed.



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