24 / 7 - coming soon

Friday, October 26, 2007 ·

fox just released the trailer for season 7 of 24:

yes, there have been a couple sub-standard seasons, but this looks not to be one of them. they've broken the molds that have kept the format a little static for a few seasons now. for starters, they've ditched CTU and have gotten the hell out of los angeles. bringing back tony almeida looks a little sketchy, but we'll have to see how it pans out.

i think that they could have gone a step or two further and shed all characters except for jack bauer. to be completely honest, they should have gotten rid of jack bauer a couple seasons ago. why? to keep it fresh, original, and semi-realistic. i mean, c'mon, how many 24 hour days of that intensity can one person have. granted the success of the series is largely due to the character, but the format might flourish without jack. it just opens up so many new avenues to explore. it's not like there's a lot of time for character development and characterization. we've only grown attached to jack because it's been so many seasons.

despite all that, 24 remains one of the select few absolute must-see programs out there today. it's riveting, action packed, high production values, anticipation and constantly moving story means you can't miss an episode or you have to wait until the dvd comes out.



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